Low power transistor with epitaxial planar construction, designed for use in the driver stage of audio amplifiers. This is a BC547B NPN Bipolar Transistor, designed for use in linear and switching applications, and is housed in the neat TO-92 package. It’s especially suited for use in general signal processes, for example that of audio amplifiers, low noise input stages of tape recorders, HI-FI amplifiers and signal processing circuits for IR receivers. They can switch up to 45V @ 100mA continuous, or 200mA peak with a DC gain of 200.
Technical Details
- Collector Emitter Voltage V(br)ceo: 45V
- DC Collector Current Continuous: 100mA
- DC Collector Current Peak: 200mA
- DC Current Gain hFE: 200
- No. of Pins: 3
- Operating Temperature Max: 150°C
- Power Dissipation Pd: 625mW
- Transistor Case Style: TO-92
- Transistor Polarity: NPN
- Transition Frequency ft: 300 MHz
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